Both Mesotherapy and Dermapen skin needling are in-office treatments involving tiny

little needles but they are not the same thing. While mesotherapy injects, Dermapen

merely makes little wounds. But, both therapies can be extremely effective in treating

several skin conditions.

To help explain the difference, let’s break it down, shall we?

  • What is Mesotherapy?

    Pioneered by a French physician in the 50s, Mesotherapy involves using a cluster of short, thin needles to inject a mix of active ingredients. These go directly into the middle layer of your epidermis improving effectivity.


    What’s injected will rely on what’s being treated. For example, if you’re wanting to get rid of fat in a particular area, you’ll use a lipotropic (something that acts as a catalyst to break down fat). Should you wish to rejuvenate your skin in general, we’ll use our special elixir. This solution includes growth factors, peptides, vitamins, hyaluronic acid and more.


    As a topical anaesthetic is applied beforehand, the treatment is painless and shouldn’t take longer than an hour, often less. You will require a number of treatments for best results, usually 4 to 8. The downtime depends on what condition you’re treating and the intensity.

    For general rejuvenation, there’s actually no downtime at all. You can go straight back to work and will experience only a little temporary dryness or a feeling of ‘tightness’ by day two. If you’re reducing fat, you’ll probably experience mild redness and swelling. It resolves within three days, and bruising may be visible if your treatment was a very intensive one.

  • Pros & Cons of Mesotherapy

    Pros of Mesotherapy

    – Stimulates collagen production

    – Can target moderate pigmentation and fatty areas

    – Treatment is quick and painless

    – Can be combined with other treatments

    – Can be used on all skin types

    Cons of Mesotherapy

    – Fatty area treatment requires a little downtime.

  • What is Dermapen?

    At Skin Renewal, Dermapen skin needling has been safely performed – and with great success – for years. Like mesotherapy, it means using thin needles that can be adjusted in length to penetrate your skin. But please note that these don’t inject any type of active. Their purpose is solely to make a myriad of tiny ‘wounds’ that stimulate the skin to ‘heal’ via producing more collagen. This makes it very useful for general skin rejuvenation as well as to target wrinkles, enlarged pores and acne scarring. While we still offer skin needling using a roller, Dermapen skin needling is superior. The needles are injected straight down instead of at a rolling angle, more wounds are created per square centimetre and it’s easier to reach trickier areas like around the nose and eyes.


    Much like mesotherapy, the procedure is painless thanks to the application of a topical anaesthetic. Once again, you’ll be in and out of the treatment rooms within an hour. For best results, you’d require a series of treatments, about 6 to 12, but this would depend on the severity of your skin’s condition.


    As far as downtime goes, this is minimal because, as the wounds are so tiny, your

    epidermis will heal in a matter of hours. Appearance-wise, it will look like you’ve got a mild sunburn, but this will improve within 24 to 48 hours. A few days following the procedure you might feel dry and tight, but this phase is very short-lived and barely noticeable.


    Dermapen skin needling forms a part of several of our treatment solutions packages including Skin Tightening & Anti-Ageing and Scarring & Stretchmarks.

  • Pros & Cons of Dermapen

    Pros of Dermapen

    – Stimulates collagen production

    – Can target pores, scars and mild pigmentation

    – Treatment is quick and painless

    – Can be combined with other treatments

    – Can be used on all skin types


    Cons of Dermapen

    – You may look sunburned after the procedure, but this look is fleeting.

  • In Conclusion

    While both mesotherapy and skin needling involves tiny needles and both can do a good job of skin rejuvenation. The former can also reduce fat and the latter is a more effective choice if you’re wanting to target wrinkles and acne scarring. As far as pigmentation goes, both Mesotherapy and Dermapen are helpful. However,

    Mesotherapy might be a better pick for stubborn spots as you can target it with skin

    lightening ingredients.


    If you’re still confused as to which would suit you best, simply make an appointment to see one of the doctors or therapists at Skin Renewal. They can easily recommend the best treatment solution to help you create the healthiest and best-looking version of your skin.


Age spots are small, flat dark areas on the skin. They vary in size and usually appear on areas exposed to the sun, such as the face, hands, shoulders and arms to treat age spot for there are a variety of options.

Tropical creams these creams lighten spots gradually over time. They can sometimes irritate the skin, so it is best to discuss side effects with a doctor before deciding upon the right cream.

Cosmetic Procedures depending on your skin and your age spots, one treatment may be better than another. For brown spots that were caused by sun damage, an IPL Photofacial is typically an excellent option. After sessions with intense pulsed light, the spots will gently flake away, leaving behind unmarked skin

Your dermatologist may suggest one of the following procedures:

  • Laser Resurfacing

    During laser skin resurfacing, short pulses of light are sent into the skin. These repetitive beams break up damaged skin and hyperpigmentation, moving through one layer at a time. The epidermis is removed while the underlying dermis is heated. This not only removes unwanted discoloration and superficial flaws, but also triggers new collagen growth during healing. The end result; Smoother, firmer, younger-looking skin

  • I2Pl Photo Facial:

    The handpiece emits pulses of light that penetrate the skin’s surface and seek out pigmentation.

    The light is absorbed by the melanin and heats up the surrounding tissue, improving discoloration, wrinkles, and visible blood vessels.

  • Chemical peels

    We offer many types of peels, which can be combined or administered separately. Your Dermatologist will discuss your needs and peel goals to decide which one(s) to choose.


Acne & Acne Scars can be quite difficult to deal with and make most of us frustrated. But thankfully there are many treatments that can help with this at Corpofino which include everything from fillers and chemical peels to the laser and light therapy and mesotherapy. These are completely safe & painless procedures conducted by the top-rated doctors ensuring you get the long-lasting results

  • Acne Treatment

    Broadly, Corpofino Acne Treatment Solutions aim to address the root causes of acne and deal with the factors that provoke skin into developing acne. The approach is to reduce excess oil (sebum) production, exfoliate skin to prevent clogging of pores, and provide anti-inflammatory measures to reduce the severity of acne.

  • Acne Scars

    Acne scars are stubborn, and no single treatment is best for everyone. One or a combination of the following approaches might improve the appearance of your skin, depending on your scar type, your skin type and the severity of the scarring.

  • Soft tissue fillers

    Injecting collagen, fat or other substances under the skin can plump the skin over indented scars. The goal is to make the scars less noticeable. Results are temporary, so repeat treatments are needed to retain the effect. This method has little risk of changes in skin color.

  • Laser Resurfacing

    This approach is increasingly popular and is often used on scars that were once treated with dermabrasion. This technique has an increased risk of side effects for people with darker skin or a history of keloids.

  • Energy Based Procedures

    Pulsed light sources and radiofrequency devices help make scars less noticeable without damaging the outer layer of skin. Results are subtle, and you might need repeat treatments.

  • Chemical peel

    Your doctor applies a chemical solution to the scar tissue to remove the top layer of skin and minimize the appearance of deeper scars. You can repeat mild and medium peels to maintain results. You can have only one deep peel. Potential side effects include changes in skin color, especially with deep peels used on dark skin.

  • RF micro- needling.

    Micro-needles create tiny perforations or punctures in the skin, activating the body’s healing process. This triggers the growth of fibroblast cells–the cells that create the skin’s structure–which produces more collagen, that invaluable protein that gives skin its elasticity and firmness. To make the treatment even more effective, the micro-needles carry RF energy to the tiny wounds, encouraging even more collagen production than can happen with micro-needling alone


In order to melt away blemishes, scars, uneven skin pigmentation and other imperfections, a chemical solution known as a peel is applied to the face, wearing away the outer damaged skin layers to reveal a beautiful new complexion. Our chemical peel procedure improves skin texture, skin tone, revives youthfulness and leaves the face feeling silky smooth

  • Benefits of a chemical peel at a glance

    Chemical peels are non-surgical, non-toxic, and can be combined with other effective anti-aging facial rejuvenation treatments. Everyone person’s skin is different, and chemical peels are unique in that they are fully customizable to suit skin type and treat existing flaws. Brown spots become less visible, the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines reduced, and acne scars and other skin texture problems can be dramatically improved.

    ·      Non-surgical, although can be combined with a facelift

    ·      Individualized to your exact skincare needs

    ·      Improves skin tone and texture

    ·      Some of the best acne scar removal

  • How are chemical peels formulated?

    Each peel is totally unique and is created specifically for your skin type. There are three types of treatments: those using alphahydroxy acids, those using trichloroacetic acids, and those using phenol. These proceed in potency from mild to very intense.

  • What Can I Expect?

    A chemical peel works to peel away tired and dull skin cells while stimulating the growth of fresh and healthy skin. In addition to this, chemical peels will result in accelerated cell turnover and encourage the production of collagen.


    The recovery period following a chemical peel will vary depending on the type of peel you opted for. However, in general, here’s what you can expect: 

    The duration of the recovery period can range from three to 14 days, depending on the type of chemical peel. 

    For most peels, patients can expect a recovery time of five to seven days. 

    Following the procedure, your skin will dry out. During this time, you must drink plenty of water

    Avoid washing your face for at least 24 hours following your peel. 

    Over the next few days, your skin will begin to peel. The most intense peeling will occur during the middle days of your recovery

    You may also experience some irritation, crusting, or skin redness. However, if you notice any bleeding or oozing, you must contact your skin specialist straight away

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