EMSLim is a non-invasive treatment to build and strengthen muscle and improve tone in the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and arms. A 30-minute treatment is equivalent to 30,000 sit ups or squats. It is the only procedure to help both women and men build muscle to sculpt their bodies. EMSlim can tone and tighten the abdomen and is the world’s first non-invasive buttock lifting procedure. The current handpiece treats the abdomen, buttocks and thighs

The non-invasive

HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technology induces supramaximal muscle contractions much stronger and faster than achievable through voluntary exercise.

Four 30- minute treatments, performed at least 2 days apart, are recommended for best results, though more treatments can improve the area further. The vigorous contractions trigger a metabolic change in the overlying fat that leads to destruction of a percentage of the fat cells.


Electrotherapy involves the stimulation of the underlying muscles with mild painless current and concentrates on particular muscles that control your shape and exercise them far more than aerobics ever could. It tightens up the muscle and firms you up in all the right places.

It helps dislodge the fat deposits and break down stored fat. The circulatory system also benefits as it aids the re-absorption of the interstitial liquids and helps drain them off towards their natural organic filters


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